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About GaREE
GaREE ALL is a Songwriter, Spoken Word/Rap Artist, Performer, Video-Maker, Author and Speaker. In a “past life” GaREE was a high school dropout turned Ph.D, computer programmer, IT manager, university administrator and Professor. As a Professor he taught a wide variety of university courses for over two decades. This experience helped hone his communicative skills and turned a once shy Midwestern boy into a unique performer, communicator and speaker. He is available as a Speaker or Entertainer or Speaker/Entertainer at your Conference or Bash or other venue.
As an early teen GaREE wrote a few pages of what was going to be a short story, but never finished it. As a late teen (probably 19) he wrote a poem which he did finish. Then for decades his writing was largely academic in style (tends to happen with professors). In recent times GaREE has re-discovered his creative side (Look Out!). He expresses himself via the various ways shown on this site, though mainly through original songs, which range widely from challenging conventional wisdom to an ode to single moms. Thus far he has registered 53 original songs with ASCAP. (He is rather stubborn and, despite advice to the contrary, refuses to be pigeon-holed musically.)
GaREE admits to not being too keen on social media and thus has not been very active in the past. Nevertheless, for completeness he has put a fair amount on , and will respond to you should you choose to go that route. His other favorite sites these days, other than this website, is not traditional social media but his YouTube Channel:
GaREE was interviewed about new videos:
GaREE was featured on the Rising Star podcast:
GaREE’s latest single, “Way Out of My League”, was recently reviewed on the Upcoming 100 blog:
The latest radio interview with GaREE is at:

GaREE (that's me) states:

After recently kissing regular work good-bye, I decided against purchasing a comfortable rocking chair and a house with a quiet porch to rock on, Instead I decided to be a no-holds-barred lyricist, a Rap and Spoken Word artist, a public speaker and a video-maker.
Why? More than one reason, but none more important than maybe someone will enjoy and/or perhaps even be inspired by my work to then go on and do what they really want to do. So if anyone is inspired by my work, or if it has a positive impact in some way on someone, or she or he simply enjoys it, then I am most grateful. Knowing that some of my fellow humans have benefitted in some way from my work adds to the joy I experience in the creative process. If you are one of those humans, then please let me know; I would love to hear about it.
I am open to discussing any gig or any other way that I may be of service to you. Just contact me and we will go from there.
I was interviewed about new videos:

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